Talking shop with the Top Radio GM

An interview with GM Armin Braun from Top Radio

Being on the road is always a bit more stressful than “just another day at the office”. No matter how much we love it.

Thankfully, we have wonderful clients that make our visits worth every bit of the extra hours we put in. Usually, we’re giving training sessions and brainstorming new ways to look at your performance. Luckily, occasionally we get to sit down and unwind while talking about what we are really passionate about: Radio.

On our most recent Berlin client trip, Bill and Dennis at RadioAnalyzer took some time to sit down with Armin Braun from Top Radio. They had a chance to talk about his best practices, his success with Berliner Rundfunk. Furthermore they discussed what he does to prepare for the upcoming ratings period.

A little good to know about TopRadio

Top Radio is a Belgian radio station playing dance and dance pop music. Their slogan is: WE LOVE MUSIC.

It is popular as many internationally known DJs have a program at the station. The station broadcasts around different frequencies in Flanders at FM or DAB and is located in Ghent in the Flemish Region of Belgium.